We've learned how to mitigate and compensate for long hours, bad weather, heavy materials, and labor shortages. Whether your operator's a greenhorn or a 40-year-veteran, jobsite automation ekes out efficiency in every machine in your connected fleet to make the repetitive, less repetitive.
Communicates with other equipment on site for greater overall productivity.
Auto Shift PLUS allows the operator to control the machine without the inching pedal.
Auto-Pass reduces operator input of repetitive functions at the beginning and end of each pass.
Communicates with other equipment on site for greater overall productivity.
Auto Shift PLUS allows the operator to control the machine without the inching pedal.
Auto-Pass reduces operator input of repetitive functions at the beginning and end of each pass.
Automatic boom and bucket control, virtual fencing, overdig protection, and real-time readouts on distance to grade raise the bar for productivity.
Factory-installed and fully supported Payload Weighing makes for greater loading efficiency while also allowing material movements to be tracked and visualized.